When throwing a lavish party, every carefully curated detail plays its part. From intuitive room layouts and bespoke floral displays to menus and extravagant tablescapes, our event coordinators skillfully blend each element to match your vision for your party. We've created a collection of packages made for the occasions that don't call for full service event design, but could use an event designer's touch.

Elle + Co. is a boutique event design and rental firm based in Charlotte, North Carolina. We believe in creating parties on an epic scale. Whether you're celebrating a milestone, a birthday, or a Tuesday, our breathtaking parties will make an impression the moment you step into the event space. Dazzle your guests with an event that feels like you, one that will live on in their memories forever. 

next party

let's book your

It takes time to throw an event that will leave an impression on your guests. Contact us as soon as possible to start planning!

secure your date


Leave your guests mesmerized with one of the packages from our premier collection. Trust in our team to make your event unforgettable.

pick a package


Tell us all about your vision for your next party during our first chat. Don't leave even one detail out, we want to know it all!

book a chat


We would appreciate you taking the time to submit an enquiry online. Our event coordination team is just a call away. 



Most of our clients spend an average of $1,500 for their event design or rental. Have questions before securing your spot on the calendar? Let's chat over a 30 minute consultation. 

The Premium Collection starting at $850


Scroll down to view our services. Tap the service you're interested in below to see our packages and pricing.